Monday 8 February 2016


In order to develop a photography style approach I created a photomontage piece, in which somewhat distortes Etta's appearance. The layered images suggest Etta's diverse nature when it comes to music and the genres in which she has produced music for. Suggesting that she has multiple layers/approaches compared to other iconic artists of the time.  The image was converted to black and white due to the connotations in which the time period of the 'At last' release maintains, as Etta was only depicted in black and white through media's at the time.

When this image was critiqued it was discussed that I would not be able to develop such piece due to copyright issues, although I could maintain the style and develop my own photography for it. Although the option was there to develop similar work, I felt that the design didn't maintain the unique impact in which I would like my final piece to exhibit, and thus I decided to explore other avenues in order to attempt to capture a stronger approach.

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