Monday 7 December 2015

signage development & crit

Initially when developing the signage for Liberty park I involved the arrow with the typeface I had used previously in the wayfinding task, Georgia. I did this to ensure that a consistent style was withheld throughout the system. Although very clean, I felt that this system did not appear to correlate with the previous house style and for this reason progressed with the design.

I began to manipulate the colour scheme so that it complied to that created within the wayfinding map. I felt that by doing this it brought the two separate components together. I then carried out and developed a system that would would with numerous word lengths. 

Overall my views about the signage are very mixed as although its clear, legible and is recognisable to the rest of the wayfinding system I feel it lacks design. I also feel that the pale blue background has strong connotations to clinical hospitals, something that I do not want to associate Liberty Park as being.

When taking this signage to the critique I generally got the same response, and it was discussed that the white background that I previously discarded appeared much more impactful and fitting to the brand. Due to this reason I would definitely consider manipulating the background back to the original white if I were to re-visit this project.

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