Wednesday 9 December 2015

Booklet Research

I really like this booklets relationship with composition and colour. Each page contains reasonable amounts of text and important aspects are highlighted in bold, thus not only being strong in deisgn but also contextually. Each page also contains a masthead that has been scaled into a circle, this being a much more modern approach than most booklets. Overall the deisgn is strong, but I feel that the front cover lacks imagination and although a modern approach would work well individually I personally feel that it does not coincide with the rest of the booklets deisgn.

A simplistic approach to a set of booklet guides. It is clear that these booklets work as part of a group but also contain individual difference. The consisty throughout each booklet has been developed through using a grid system, something I must consider throughout the deisgn process, as my booklet will also be part of a set.

As composition is a factor I find difficult I felt it appropriate to look at the basic composition of booklets. The above design enabled me to see how impactful minamlistic deisgn can be, and also to not overload each page with text, thus developing an informed yet visually impactive deisgn. When developing my own booklet I will therefore keep text to a minimal and try to develop a visually impactive, image heavy piece of deisgn work.
The overall layout of this booklet is poor. The relationship between text and image is very inconsistent and looks very packed in deisgn. I also feel that from a distance the overall essence of the booklet would be lost due to the illegibility of text, and inconsistency of colour. Taking influence from this deisgn, I will focus on using minimal colours that will be impactive from a distance. As my booklet will also be part of a set, I will have to consider the usage of colour throughout multiple designs.
This modern approach towards booklet deisgn is highly impactful from a distance, and is also visually pleasing when looked at closely. Its unique nature allows for a deisgn that is rememerable for all the right reasons. I specifically feel that the booklets relationship between text and image, as the body copy is obviously influenced through the placing of image.

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