Thursday 10 December 2015

inital cad leflet

When developing the brochure using C.A.D I began by incorporating the basic structure from that of my sketches. I experimented with type, scale and colour.  The below example demonstrates a formal design. Due to the unenthusiastic nature of the design, and it's appearance looking like any average leaflet I have decide to discontinue this design. 

When creating the below design I had not anticipated the way in which the leaflets may be stacked. If they are placed within the average magazine/brochure holder the masthead will become covered by he aperatus. Due  to this reason I don't not feel that the layout of this design is effective. I also dislike the chosen purple colour and feel that it is bland companied to other hues thus within my following designs I will experiment further with colour.  

Following the initial masthead idea I decided upon creating a design that was much more visually aesthetic. To allow for me to do this I incorporated an image. Although I feel this helped improve the design, I still sensed a clinical approach, and as the booklet is intended for graphic designers it would only be appropriate to create a visually pleasing design. 

During the following design I attempted to follow the guidelines of that of modernism. Simplistic design has been applied to deliver the impact in that purple can have on the consumer. Although I like the concept behind this design I feel that a lot more development would be needed before the design is finalised. The use of shape and colour works well but the positioning of the text looks amateur. The text is also positioned on the page so that it would be covered when displayed. Personally I also do not feel that the typeface used is appropriate.

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