Thursday 3 December 2015

Final Wayfinding Map plus critique

During the final critique I gathered a wide range of opinions surrounding the above wayfinding system. Recurring comments surrounding my pictograms, were that the bike did not appear as legible as the other icons, due to its stroke width. It was also suggested that because of this factor it does not contain the same general 'house' style as the others. I had not noticed this factor until it was mentioned to me within the critique, but once it had been mentioned it became very obvious. Due to this reason and one of the main factors within my ethos being legibility I would definitely consider changing this if I were to carry on the project.

Criticisms were also directed at the washing pictogram, as it appears very much like water and may be confused with a swimming pool. Due to this reason if I were to develop this project further I would involve other aspects into this image, an example being a machine itself or a dryer aspect.

It was also mentioned that consistency should be kept with the icons and they should all maintain the same background and foreground colour. I can understand why this comment was made as consistency is key, but the icons colour were altered due to its placement on the map, thus I am doubtful whether I would manipulate this design decision.

The map itself was considered minimal but easy to navigate. As the critique group was a split between students living at Liberty Park and IQ I found this a highly positive comment, suggesting that whether you live at Liberty Park or not the wayfinding system is easy to navigate. It was suggested that I may want to manipulate the colours rather than shades to allow for an initially obvious variation in buildings.

When developing this approach to Liberty Parks wayfinding system my main focus was to create a clear, impactive design that obviously targets 18-22 year olds. Overall I feel that I have successfully communicated this although taking influence from the critique I feel there are factors that could be improved. Factors I would definitely consider altering are the washing and bike icon as they lack the of legibility I have tried to maintain throughout my work.

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