Thursday 3 December 2015

Leaflet Folds

To begin this study task I researched different folds available and how to construct them.

Half Fold:

To simply told the paper in half creating two sectors.


To divide the paper into three equal sections and then fold accordingly. Best used for compact pieces that are easy to read and unfold.

Four panel fold: 

Similar to that of the Tri-fold but split into four sections.

Double Gate fold:

 This fold is created by splitting the paper into four equal sectors, whereby the two outward panels are folded inwards.

Z fold:

The page is separated into three equal sectors whereby one is folded forwards and the other backwards.

After researching the most simplistic folds, I began to construct a one sided leaflet in order to simplistically inform the consumer about different folds available.

 My own booklet using the four panel fold:

Although extremely basic in design I didn't want to over complicate the instructions with over complicated aesthetics. As the leaflet is to purely inform, I also believe that there is no real relevance for that of fabricated design, but rather to purely inform. This design is an insightful minimal manual to that of folds.

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