Monday 7 December 2015

arrow Cad

Simplistic yet powerful, the above arrow clearly represents direction. The key to this design is its minimal approach which would easily coincide with that of the wayfinding map. Downfalls to this design is that the arrows only really appear effective upon a large scale, as the smaller it gets the less powerful they become. Also when downsided the arrows may appear illegible.

Using my research to inspire me, I developed a 3D arrow. The reasons behind me doing this is due to the design appearing much more suitable to 18-22 year olds. I also feel that by using a 3D arrow, the whole wayfinding system appears much more interesting and visually stimulating. Out of the above 3 arrows I feel that the middle appears most visually appealing, as the others to me look stretched. If I am to carry on this design I feel that it would be important to add colour thus making it more impactive.

Again I experimented with a range of arrows taking influence from previous research. During this process I realised that I much prefered arrows that also contain a steam rather than just the head. I came to this conclusion purely due to the lack of importance gathered from just the head, also I found that the arrowheads reminded me of road markings. 

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