Thursday 10 December 2015

layout and image -leaflet

Taking influence from that of the circle C.A.D design, I deicded to centralise the text and imagery. I felt that by doing this it really embeded the deisgn as being that of a modernist approach. The basic structure is direct and easy to read. As each page is the same, time isn't wasted navigating each page for information. The pages are balanced in respect of text and image.

Flush left was used within the formating of the typography to allow for legibility, as the eye does not have to adjust when reading each line. The typeface was chosen to again embed simplicity. Although when using a vast majority of text serif typefaces are recomended I did not feel that this design decision was applicable to this brochure. As each line contains less than the recomended 12 words, that vigneli suggests, I belive that the deisgn can bypass using a serif font.

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