Wednesday 2 December 2015

C.A.D initial

Taking influence from both my initial sketches and previous wayfinding research I began to create my own C.A.D. versions of the wayfinding map.

In order to create a piece of design work that is easy to navigate, I involved factors that I found conveyed direction within previous research. I decided to express this by involving the street within my deisgn, as it is the main point of reference for new comers to the univeristy halls. When working on this piece I asked peers what they thought and the comments were fairly negative. My peers sugguested that the square layout didnt appeal graphically to them, the colours were bland and the overal design appeared very immature. As this was my first attempt I felt taht I learnt greatly from it, and where to progress to within future designs.
Taking influence from the comments previously made surrounding my work I began a new approach. I disgarded the the strong lines, road path and dull colours creating a much cleaner approach. I manipulated the colours to express the vibrancy expressed throughout halls. Although I prefered this deisgn to the original I still felt it lacked a certain atmosphere, and contxuality.

When developing this wayfinding map I worked closely with my research, looking in depth at the genreal style used within high quality maps. As the squares/rectangles were considered immature I decided to manipulate their shapes, but to keep the basic map structue. This is definetly the most effective map I have yet to create, but I still feel as if it lacks design. Due to this resaon I feel that it would be appropriate to go back and create some more inital sketches. 

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