Thursday 12 April 2018

Initial ideas

Gaining an insight from the previous research undertaken, logos designs were developed. These largely focused on the idea of combining two elements, type and symbol, so that either or may be displayed. This complying to trends discovered within the research. 

A range of symbols were explored, relating to sports outlined within the brief. Speed, strength, flexibility and precision were all elements in which were attempted to be captured.

  • Sharp lines express precision, although this may add connotations of danger. 
  • Speed has been captured within multiple components, such as italic type and arrows. The usage of italics being most impressionable as it also conveys forms of flexibility and precision.   
  • Strength has been implemented through the stroke and density of the type expressed. 
Focusing on these components, further sketches were devised. These focus largely upon the formatting of the type and how the symbol/type may integrate with one another. 

From the second sketches produced decisions could be made surrounding the formatting of text and its compliance with the symbol. It became evident at this stage that the type should be formatted using both capitals and lower case letters as logo designs devised using purely capital letters felt aggressive and lacked precision. It also became apparent at this stage that the joining of letters conveyed opulence, as well as a bespokeness, relating to the independence of the clothing brand.

Further notes:

  • Italic variations are most impactful as they convey speed. 
  • The symbol and type combination is effective, although the symbol should stand separate to the type, allowing for an easier transition. 
  • thick stoke lines convey strength as well as allowing the logo design to stand out. 

Peer feedback:

Although gaining individual specific character notes, a decision was not made as to which of the designs should be developed, and thus peer feedback was gained. 

It was suggested that the sixth design was strong, although the symbol appeared to mimic the internet symbol, and thus would not be suitable. It was then suggested by one of group that an exploration of symbols should be undergone. 

In conjunction to this, symbols were devised. 

All the symbols devised had individual concepts relating to the brand and its image. It was thought that a straight line may not convey elements such as flexibility, and thus these will need to be manipulated within the following design stage.

  • curved edges comply to the research undertaken. 
  • symbols need to be simple yet bold in order to gain the consumers attention. 
  • Peers suggested that rigid designs were not effective 

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