Friday 13 April 2018

Invitation design

  • botanical theme- contemporary design trend 
  • boarder creates a central reservation 
  • metallics make the product appear upper class  

  • clear sleeve invitation
  • works with a variety of backgrounds 
  • attached to glow in the dark balloons 
  • adds night time bar aesthetic 

  • embossing allows the design to stand out 
  • bursts of colour allow relevant information to stand out 
  • strong stock would make the design appear upperclass 

  • textured stock allows for a physical interaction
  • strong colours 
  • envelope to make the experience more formal 

  • geometric- contemporary design trend 

  • illustration and text combination 
  • different sections to allow for different information 

  • debossed 
  • pattern allows for an effective design 

  • highly illustrative style 
  • two tone variations 
  • highly decorative 

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