Friday 6 April 2018

Packaging design: Pantry developments

The original structure was developed focusing solely upon the illustrations present. Shelves were used in order to mimic a pantry. A banner was applied to highlight the ales name, this will occur within all variations. 

Bubbles and other decorations were added in order to visually present the ales texture, showcasing its frothy nature. Jars were added to the shelves in order to further embed the pantry aesthetic.  

The Hiraeth Brewery logo was positioned centrally in order to create instant recognition between product and consumer. 

An oat symbol was added to the banner in order to showcase a key ingredient. Experimental type was also implemented, although the above style didn't have the contemporary edge in which I was looking for.

Further type experiments were explored with, although none has yet to be selected. More bubbles were added to explore the ales texture.

One issue in which I found was that the ale packaging did not represent a stout, and thus the colours must be altered. In order to do this, primary research was undergone.

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