Friday 20 April 2018

Research: Abortions

Definition: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks.

Two sides (pro/against)

Pro choice reasonings 

1. I am pro-choice because a pregnancy should never be mandatory
2. I am pro-choice because sex is a natural aspect of human life
3. I am pro-choice because contraception is frequently unavailable
4.I am pro-choice because bodily autonomy is a basic human right
5. I am pro-choice because I support the mental health and well-being of women
6. I am pro-choice because it is time for men to stop dictating the actions of women
7. I am pro-choice because pregnancy and childbirth is a massive financial undertaking

Pro life reasonings 

1. Abortion is dangerous to women's health.
2. Life begins at conception, and the fetus is a person.
3. Why choose abortion when you can choose adoption?

Although Abortion is legal within the UK, it is the women herself who should decide the outcome. 

Abortions in Ireland 

Abortion and the Law In the Republic of Ireland

It is legal for women living in the Republic of Ireland to seek information about abortion services and to travel to England for abortion care appointments.

Access to abortion care is highly restricted in the Republic of Ireland, except where the pregnancy presents a real and substantial risk to the woman’s life. This includes the risk of suicide. It does not include cases of rape, incest or foetal abnormalities.

The Irish government has confirmed that it will hold a referendum on reform of the country’s strict anti-abortion laws by the end of May. The cabinet agreed to give voters in the republic the chance to repeal the eighth amendment to the country’s constitution on Monday.

Any woman who has an abortion in Ireland faces up to 14 years in prison. The only case in which a woman is legally allowed to terminate her pregnancy, is when her life is deemed to be in immediate danger of death.

Women who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest would be prosecuted for terminating a pregnancy, if they are not seen to be at immediate risk of death. If her health is at risk, but her condition not deemed fatal, then having an abortion is a criminal offence.

"We must wait until women become sick enough before we can intervene. How close to death do you have to be? There is no answer to that.”


  • the work may offend those with differing opinions 
  • unsure whether this would be a strong portfolio piece 

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