Monday 2 April 2018

Brew-denell ale festival primary research

In order to gain a better understanding of ale culture and why groups such as CAMRA (campaign for real ale) exist, the Brew-dell ale festival was attended. As I have never attended an ale festival before this, the experience was eye-opening. 

With a large 'makeshift' brewery being established, the busy environment meant that often the ales are overshadowed by the vast amount of people there. In order to combat this, ale boards showcase the drinks available and the pump clip. 

Often the pump clip may be a strong influence on the consumer's decisions surrounding the beer, as a result of this, it is important that the initial canned packaging design is represented within this format. This may be added to the client as an extension. 

Above is a closer example of a pump clip, which clearly states the brewery and the beer name/information. As the beer presented is a stout this has clearly been resembled through darker colours. 

Pump clips do not necessarily have to be circular and can represent the brewery/beer in multiple ways, although the general design is often mimicked from the packaging. 

Making the most of the festival I decided to gain some primary research by engaging with ale enthusiasts. The influence of design on craft ales was discussed with a variety of people, some of the key comments made have been outlined below.

  • the design is often a shorthand as the colours usually resemble the flavours. 
  • Illustrations help to guide the consumer as to the flavours 
  • the same and a short description is present
  • general influence as to whether the ale is light/heavy

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