Friday 6 April 2018

Packaging design:Sketches

From the research undergone initial sketches were devised, showcasing a variety of concepts. These were firstly devised for the pantry ale, as this will help influence the following packaging designs. The original logo has been positioned at the centre of each idea in order to ensure that the product is easily identifiable as part of the Hiraeth Brewery range. 

The concepts widely vary, but all embed some form of illustration to comply to the brewers suggestions. Concepts 1 & 3 personally stood out to myself as they attempt to visually represent the ales. 

From the original drawings, secondary examples were devised, these showcasing ways in which the flavours may be visually represented.

In the first approach, a pantry is mimicked, following the ales name. Colours would be used in order to influence the flavours embedded, with darker colours representing the stout. The third approach highlights all the ingredients, creating an organic, handmade feel towards the ale, showcasing the 'craft' behind it. 

At this stage I was unable to gain any feedback from the brewers and thus decided to complete some CAD variations.

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