Friday 6 April 2018

Packaging design: illustrative packaging research

  • Line drawing 
  • appears classic/upper class 
  • two tone approach creates impact 

  • bold and impactful 
  • a variety of designs creates a strong impression 
  • block colours can be seen for a distance 
  • contemporary design trend 

  • one tone packaging 
  • appears organic due to neutral colour pallet 
  • organic illustrations 
  • characterful 

  • block colours create impact 
  • embeds a story through illustrations 
  • colour pallet is dark-promotes the products taste 

  • the movement within the illustrations makes the wide appear luxury
  • all are liked by a similar layout
  • logo is implemented in the same position throughout 

  • foiling has been used to portray the product as upper class 
  • the ingredients are visualised, showcasing the taste 

  • each variety has its own unique character 
  • black-luxury end product 

What Ive gained from this: 

  • the logo should be presented within the same position throughout in order to make the products easily recognisable. 
  • colour is a key signifier as to flavour, therefore this should be widely considered 
  • block colour illustrations stand out from a distance
  • line illustrations look more effective at a shorter distance 

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