Friday 6 April 2018

Packaging design: CAD Ideas

Concept one 

The first concept attempts to visually represent a traditional welsh pantry, visually depicting the name. Illustrations have been devised in which attempt to mimic that of bubbles, showcasing the frothy nature of the stout.  The logo is clearly situated within the centre, ensuring that the brand is easily recognised.

Concept two 

The second concept would focus upon textures, creating an ale in which feels 'hand crafted'. The green area displayed would be expressed as a rugged texture, showcasing the welsh landscape.

Concept three 

The third concept is less visually developed, although it showcases the usage of characters. Similar to magic rock, each ale would maintain its own set of characters. Issues in which may occur with this design is similar to that of the 'cwtch' ale appearing too child friendly.

Feedback from the brewers 

After managing to contact the brewers and show them the initial cad ideas, they suggested that I should continue with the first concept, exploring with colours and building the design further. 

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