Tuesday 3 April 2018

Welsh iconography survey

In order to get a better understanding of what people consider to be welsh, a survey was conducted, including both english and welsh participants.

General iconography listed by the 20 participants:

  • sheep 
  • hills 
  • leeks
  • daffodils 
  • 'welsh lady'
  • rugby
  • dragon 
  • castles
  • sea side
  • countryside 
  • cakes
  • welsh myths/legends
  • snowdon 
  • cardiff
  • millenium stadium 

As the brewers stated that they did not want sterotypically welsh iconography to be presented it was decided that the most commonly named would be ignored for example (sheep, leeks, daffodils, welsh ladies), with other, lessly sterotypical iconography pieces being implemented. As a result of this, castles, the welsh landscape and welsh myths/legends may be explored.

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