Friday 20 April 2018

Directing the outcome

From the range of feminist issues outlined it is evident that there is a need for change. In order to ensure that research/design work is effective, it has been decided that there will be one central theme. In order to decipher this theme, the previous research into a range of subject areas will be analysed.

When thinking about design for change, it became apparent that some of the issues raised may not be significantly altered by design as laws need to be implemented, for example, abortion laws in Ireland. Although stating this, the design may inform mass people, in turn altering their opinions surrounding a topic.

One of the most effective ways in which to complete design for change is to complete designs in which inform/inspire the consumer, therefore this was widely considered.

Analysis of topics/potential outcomes

  • Popular topic area
  • May inform others in the UK
  • Difficult in relation to pro life/choice 
  • due to conflict issues my future employer may not find this appealing

The gender pay gap
  • relates to me personally 
  • large disparacy 

Rape culture 
  • difficult to combat culture through design 
  • large media focus on this 

Period poverty

  • work alongside a charity 
  • is there much more information/research to gain?

After widely considering the pros and cons of each theme, it was decided that the gender pay gap would be a focal point, as it will be situated within my portfolio and may make my future employers think about gender disparity within their company. I also believe that there is much more information to be gathered surrounding this subject area.

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