Sunday 22 April 2018


In order to gain a better understanding of how women themselves feel of the creative industries pay gap, a survey was conducted. Survey monkey was selected as the service to establish this, as it has strong shareable links.

Questions asked: 

Are you a female? 
What female creatives inspire you?
Are these creatives based in Leeds?
Do you think there is a lack of publicised female creatives?
Are you aware of the gender pay gap within the creative industry?
Do you believe there are more famous creative males than females?


30 participants took part in the survey, with the results as following:


Are you a female? 


What female creatives inspire you?

A range of creatives were listed, with the most common results appearing included Jessica Walsh, Kate Moross, and Paula Scher.


Are these creatives based in Leeds?

The fast majority responded no to this question, although names such as Eve Warren and Louise Lockhart were outlined. 

Yes & comment-3


Do you think there is a lack of publicised female creatives?


Strongest responses: 

I think that it is improving but certainly in the past.

yes!! all the female creatives I know are due to me researching them! there's hardly any exposure for female creatives

yes, although I know some female creatives from uni I feel that there is a real lack of women represented within the design industry.


Are you aware of the gender pay gap within the creative industry?

Unsure -7

Do you believe there are more famous creative males than females?



From the information gathered it is evident that there is a lack of knowledge surrounding the gender pay gap within graphic design, as well as 'famous' female graphic designers. 

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