Tuesday 24 April 2018

Survey__interface or print

20 participants from university (10:10-male:female)

How often do you read a magazine?

  • It was found that the vast majority read 0-5 magazines per week

How often do you use an app? 

  • The majority of users use an app more than 17 times per day (further resarch may be conducted in order to gain a better idea of how many times apps are used per day)

How often do you read an article online?

  • The majority say they read 0-5 articles a day

How many apps do you have on your phone?

  • the majority of people have 4-7 apps on there phones 

Do you prefer apps or websites?

  • the selected outcome for this question was 'unsure' 


  • Millenials interact more with digital content than print (on a daily basis)
  • The average person has 4-7 apps on there phone 
In conjunction to this information, it is evident that a user interface may be the most effective way in which to connect with millennials. 

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