Monday 2 April 2018

Tiny Rebel: indirectly encouraging immoderate consumption

One of the key aspects that will make Hiraeth bespoke is that of its Welsh origin, setting it aside from the mass English craft ales. In relation to this, the welsh brewery 'Tiny Rebel' was outlined as its key competitor.

The brand was discovered through a local ale shop

Developing a range of ales including 'Cwtch' and 'Clwb tropicana', the brewery plays on welsh words in a fun mannor, breaking doen langauge barriors.

Although the design is impactive, it was discovered that the original design had to be changed as it appeared like ' a can of fizzy pop' which had a particular appeal to children. This meaning It means the company, based in Newport, had to redesign the can.The complaint was upheld for having a particular appeal to under-18s and "indirectly encouraging immoderate consumption".

In conjunction to this, Tiny Rebel removed the teddy bear illustration from the packet.

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