Thursday 15 February 2018

Visual research

Visual research was conducted into books surrounding the topic of space, both fiction and non fiction. From this key trends can be characterised. 

The above design explores a simple illustrative approach whereby text has been used in order to complement the aesthetic. The strong contrast between the foreground and background allows the design to stand out, creating impact. 

A focal point is developed through the usage of illustration making the design appear inviting and three dimensional. A range of colours have been used expressing a fun, engaging approach. Bold typography has been used to ensure that it is easily identifiable. 

Muted colours and retro typefaces allow this design to appear vintage. The bright red connotes some form of danger and urgency towards the publication. 

Simple and modernist this approach explores an impactful design with negative space being a key contributer. Strong typography has also been used in order to embed a space theme within the design.

The two above approach explore the usage of photography/CGI within their designs in order to create a real life image showcasing that the book is non fiction.

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