Tuesday 27 February 2018

Cleverbox studio

The UK's leading school logo design and branding experts

Case study-London East Provision

The project commenced with branding development, working from the ground up to help the client establish their new name and creative direction.

Using the logo as a base, our creative team used bright, energetic solid block colours paired with a dark charcoal as a colour palette across the website and prospectus designs. Teamed with a contemporary font, this gave us a visual look and feel to take forward.

A larger page count on the prospectus allowed us to make a booklet that was both informative and engaging. Authenticy was critical, with a focus on real students and their experiences at LEAP.

The LEAP website showcases their powerful photography and provides visitors with a user friendly locations pannel, vacancies page and latest news.

Case study -Harris Sixth Form

Cleverbox were asked to develop a contemporary, smart and professional brand that would unify the Post 16 provision offered across the Harris Federation. As one of the largest Sixth Forms in London, with more than ten sites and an already well-respected and diverse curriculum, the main aim of the new identity was to establish an image of a whole, united Sixth Form.

Ensuring that it would appeal to young people in and around London, we put the proposed concepts through a consultation with current students. The resulting design is modern and sophisticated with a focus on aspirational outcomes.

The theme of raising aspirations continues on the Harris Sixth Form website through high-impact animated header images. Strong calls to action compel users to interact with the Course Finder module, which provides detailed course information and the ability to filter courses by campus location.

Case study-Chesham Grammar School

Chesham Grammar wanted a school website that gave their students a voice and to present them in a professional manner. With prominent photography across the website, the students are the focus point. Key line boxes attract attention to headlines and call-to-actions.

Info gained...

  • Block colours present energy and enthusiasm 
  • Contemporary typefaces showcase that the schools are modern and offer the best learning credentials. 
  • The logo should appeal to those study there and their parents 
  • The design should express the 'voice' of the school and how they want to be perceived. 

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