Monday 26 February 2018

Owlcotes research

A range of primary school logos have been outlined below in order to present a diverse body of visual research. These logos have been aesthetically and conceptually analysed considering the target audience.

Clean yet detailed, the above design showcases a scene from a primary school playground, embedding the environment within the design. A range of colours have been used in order to make the design stand out, although the lack of background colour may make the design itself difficult to see upon some coloured backgrounds. The usage of small characters also means that the logo cannot be present on a small scale as it will appear illegible. 

Minamlistic, this logo design uses shapes to create bold iconography. The general style is clear and presents a professional outlook. Although the logo for a primary school should look professional, I believe that the above restricts imagination and does not embrace fun learning. 

Using a variety of colours, the above logo is bold and bright, although the white background to myself, feels highly clinical. 

Impactive in nature, this circular approach promotes fun, characterful illustrations in which appear to be highly effective. The colours used are bright and bold, appearing to mimic the colourful nature of children. 

The above logos use thin lines in which can appear illegible on different scales, as a result of this I should stay away from using them within my design. Strict designs should also not be developed as they do not appear playful, in turn not engaging the consumer. 

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