Monday 26 February 2018

My interpretation of the Owlcotes brief/ Analysis of current logos

From the original brief I created a condensed version, in which outlines to myself, the designer, the key themes/strategies that need to be implemented.

  • The union of the two schools should be evident within the design, showcasing the merging of the two. 
  • Some form of an owl must be presented, even if it is just its wings 
  • The colour palette should derive from the original logos  
  • The design should be transferable to a range of platforms/medias
  • The design should be child friendly and fun 
  • Colours must be considered so that the final outcome works on a range of backgrounds/materials

Analysis of current logos

Key features:

-iconography pieces

The current logos are minimal with colour being a key signifier. They both also maintain key characteristics in which are unique to them, such as the flower upon the Pudsey Primrose Hill logo. As a result of this the merging of these iconography pieces may be explored.

Although only one of the above logos maintains type, I believe it is essential that type is implemented in order to clearly showcase the school, making it easily identifiable. 

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