Tuesday 27 February 2018

School colours

Although I am unsure upon what colour Owlcotes will use from their uniform etc, research was undergone into the variety available to help influence the design. 

The uniform in primary school is often a polo shirt or a shirt and a jumper, with trousers or shorts for boys and skirts or trousers for girls. In some primary schools, in the summer girls are allowed to wear dresses. The uniform in secondary school varies. Normally it is a blazer in the school colours or a white shirt or blouse; a tie, trousers or skirt in a black, grey, or blue and black shoes. It could also be a shirt, sweater, and tie or a polo shirt and a sweatshirt. Most English primary and secondary schools require pupils to wear uniforms. Boys wear a white shirt, long grey or black trousers, jumper or sweater with the school logo on, school tie, black shoes. The colour is the choice of the schools. Girls wear trousers or skirts as part of their uniform - typically black, grey, navy, or sometimes brown or maroon. During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses. 

Although schools are able to pick their own colours they generally select: Green, Blue, Black, Yellow, Red, Orange or Purple. As a result of this it is important that the Owlcotes logo's colours can be altered. 

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