Wednesday 28 February 2018


With a quick turn over, the fast paced nature of this brief has presented that I can work efficiently under pressure. As this years previous briefs have largely been built up of collaborations, conclusions may also be drawn surrounding time management, as if I am enthusiastic about a project and don't have any obstacles, I am able to quickly develop a set brief.

When thinking about this brief as a whole I would suggest that it was rather straight forward and followed a linear thought process. Design ideas were gathered, feedback gained and final resolutions contributed.

When over looking the final piece, it may be suggested that the design is a little complex and may have been more likely to win if it were stripped back, although saying this, the design presented was largely justified and focused largely on concept. Other judgements surrounding why my logo was not selected may be implemented if direct feedback is later given, which can go on to inform following projects.

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