Tuesday 27 February 2018

1st cad variations

A variety of CAD variations were devised from the previous drawings developed showcasing diversity whilst offering the consumer options. 

The first design explores that of a typographic piece, highlighting the Academy's new name.  Owl wings have been implemented within the design making the word appear as if it is taking flight. Hierarchy has also been presented through the typography to ensure key information is instantly available to the consumer. 

When discussing this design with my peers they suggested that the wings should be presented in a way in which lifts the entire logo, rather than just the 'O'. 

Bold and impactive, this design explores a fun characterful way in which to represent the surrounding area of Pudsey. The usage of an owl has been implemented in order to coincide with the set brief. 

When discussing this with my peers they suggested that maybe the owl could be removed from the design with wings being placed upon the side of the circle, showing that the school will uplift the children who attend. 

Drawing from the original shape of Primrose Primary School logo, the third design showcases a strong illustration of an owl in flight, promoting strength and achievement.

 When discussing this with my peers they suggested that the colours should be further explored in order to create a visually pleasing design. 

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