Tuesday 27 February 2018

Analysis of schools current values

In order to gain a better understanding of the two schools merging, the original schools were researched with their aims and goals being analysed, in turn showing a basis of values in which the design can be based off.

Primrose Hill Primary School
  • To have high expectations of children both academically and in social behaviour so promoting positive expectations and attitudes.
  • To provide a caring and supportive school environment, to develop lively minds and bodies by stimulating pupil’s interest and curiosity.
  • To enable children to discover their culture and the world around them. To appreciate and cope with the ever changing world in which they live and for which they will eventually become responsible.
  • To foster a sense of self-respect and respect towards others by promoting the Primrose Hill School Behaviour Code, Polite-Happy-Safe and for the children to accept responsibility for their own actions.
  • To encourage attitudes of independence yet co-operation and for children to value the need for perseverance and self motivation.
  • To give each child equal opportunity regardless of gender, ethnic origin or disability and to stand against racism and all forms of discrimination in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
  • To deliver the National Curriculum and where appropriate to the needs and talents of our pupils to go beyond it. To provide a curriculum of breadth and depth which focuses on a core of English, Maths and Science enhanced by the richness and variety of the foundation subjects.
  • To strive for our pupils, as a group, to achieve at least the national averages and to achieve individually to maximum potential. We will always be aware of a need to raise standards.
  • To develop a strong partnership with and encourage the involvement of parents/carers in their child’s education.
  • To create an awareness of leisure and learning opportunities available in the vicinity of the school.
  • To foster a pride and appreciation of our children’s achievements.

Pudsey Waterloo Primary School

All children enjoy learning in our happy, safe and caring school. We are inclusive for all pupils and provide a broad and balanced curriculum which engages pupils and inspires them to be lifelong learners.

We aim for our pupils:
  • To be confident and independent
  • To enjoy learning and achieve well
  • To have high expectations of themselves and to be proud of their achievements
  • To be motivated to achieve
  • To become well-rounded life-long learners
  • To positively contribute to the community
  • To display respect and empathy towards others

We aim to develop a strong partnership with parents and carers and encourage their involvement in their child’s education.
  • We expect everyone to have respect for others and themselves.
  • To be positive about their learning, our school and what they can achieve.
  • To have a willingness to reflect on how they can do their best and be their best.
  • To display resilience to respond well to challenges and overcome difficulties.
  • We all work as a team to ensure Waterloo is a happy, enjoyable and successful school for pupils, parents and staff.

From this similarities can be drawn from the values presented by each school, this have been listed below: 
  • To promote academic/social development 
  • To provide a caring school environment 
  • Promote independence amongst children 
  • Promote equal opputunities
  • To ensure the children enjoy learning 
  • Ensuring children respect others

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