Tuesday 27 February 2018

Owlcotes initial drawings

Initial sketches were developed in order to showcase a variety of ideas. A range of shapes were explored in order to create a fun, playful design. This will be further implemented with the usage of colour within the final outcome.

The usage of owl iconography was also implemented in order to relate to the original brief, with either physical a physical owl being displayed or its wings.

Although a range of designs were developed, it became evident that some are more visually striking than others. An example of this is that the logos in which contain iconography are more effective than typographical approaches on their own. As a result of this the stronger ideas will be taken forwards, with a crit being used to help decided upon this.


After showing my peers the initial sketches comments were made surrounding the logos expressed, it was suggested that logos in which contained shapes felt more rounded and appeared to mimic primary school logos much more effectively. It was also suggested that the usage of an owls wings felt effective when 'rasing' type as it demonstrates the school rasing the children academically.

As a result of this CAD developments will be made surrounding different ways in whic this can be implemented.

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