Thursday 15 February 2018

Primary research- Book cover design

A broad range of books were selected for analysis, both fiction and non-fiction. 

Genre: Fiction/action
Initial thoughts: Strong typography
Target audience?: 30-50
General aesthetic: Bold typography draws the consumer towards the product. The strong iconography presents an action novel. 

Genre: dystopian fiction/ political fiction
Initial thoughts: Penguin book, highly recommended, strong author
Target audience?: 20-60
General aesthetic: Bold, impactive. The graffiti type suggests some form of protest.

Genre: Fiction
Initial thoughts: 'dated effect' to make the book look older than it is
Target audience?: 20-40
General aesthetic: Re-development of a classic novel made to look dated. 

Genre: non-fiction/self-help
Initial thoughts: Bold, stands out
Target audience?: 18-25 year old females 
General aesthetic: Purely typographical, strong and impactive 

Genre: Non-fiction 
Initial thoughts: Nice design, design books generaly have a nice design. 
Target audience?: 20-30
General aesthetic: bold, clear

Genre: non-fiction
Initial thoughts: political figure/very bold 
Target audience?: 20-40
General aesthetic: collage effect is effective

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