Monday 5 February 2018

Box Design

In relation to the labels a soap box was discussed.

Following a similar format to the labels, the front cover of the box was stated to following the same design style, with the illustrations being placed upon the sides of the box.

In conjunction to this some initial sketches were devised. From the initial designs, CAD mockups were developed. These attempting to keep to the previously developed design style.

From this, the first mockup was developed. Although slightly too large, the box design promotes the ocean themed mimicked throughout the rest of the set. As a result of the scan quality, the product appears slightly blurry. As a result of this I will discuss with Amy whether she will be able to re-scan the images.

The finish presented is also matt a factor in which may mean that the white nature of the packaging gets dirty easily. As a result of this a second mock up was developed promoting a minimal gloss finish to coincide with the group packaging.

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