Friday 16 February 2018

Initial sketches

Initial sketches were devised in order to showcase the different ways in which the book cover may be formatted. These being derived from a range of attributes commented upon within the book.

Although a range of drawings/concepts were devised I have selected the most relevant to discuss.

The first being that of the 3D variation focusing upon the 'edge' of the universe and that no one really knows the truth behind it. Type would be developed in this three dimensional format to further embed the concept. The second notable concept is that of consolations within the novel and other themes such as the 'stacking of turtles' noted throughout the book. The third approach explores a 'caracel' effect, showcasing that the planets are all strung together in sync. And finally, the last variation explores the idea of linear time.

When deciding which designs will be taken further, it was suggested by my peers that some further drawings should be developed, showcasing how the aesthetic of each would really work.

The secondary drawings focused upon the idea of space and type, showcasing how important negative space can be. From these sketches cad variations will be made. 

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