Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Water dispenser Drawings

Drawings were developed in order to explore visual representations of my ideas. 

A range of designs were explored in order to gain the strongest possible outcome. Firstly the form was primarily explored, as I believe this to be the first feature in which engages with the consumer. An elephant design was explored whereby water comes out of the trunk. This felt very immature, and therefore did not truly represent the brand ethos. 

Further designs were developed focusing upon the university dispenser.  The sphere contains the water, promoting the concept that all the world deserves fresh, clean water. The idea that you are able to see the water also makes this design stand out from that of its competitors. 

The above designs focus upon that of the office water dispenser. Around 70cm in height, the water dispers is small and compact and therefore would be able to be placed upon multiple surfaces, for example a desk. The idea of the dispenser is that it will be used in high power business meetings in order to promote the brand to a demographic in which has a disposable income.

A tap is placed upon the fountain, in which is easily opened through a manual lever.

The water bottle aspect of the design was explored with in terms of shape. A heart approach was explored although this did not feel professional and thus was eliminated.

When discussing the structure with my peers they suggested that the more oval dispenser felt most suiting, as this felt more balanced.

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