Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Developing a beautifying filter

Original image 

The original image was taken by Dom on a DSLR camera. This was to promote quality within the mock ups, as an iPhones resolution is much lower.

Key areas to be tackled:

  • face shape
  • eye size
  • skin
  • nose thinning
  • forehead made larger 
  • chin reduced 
  • teeth whitened 

Facial reconstruction 

Face shape

The widening and thinning of the face was explored. Although a thinner approach was to be developed (as this was suggested to be more beautiful in previous research) it was discovered that when the face was thinned by a vast amount became to feel unbalanced. In turn rejecting the idea of beauty and symmetry. As a result of this it was decided that the face must be thinned to a propionate balance. The second approach is an example of this. In order to promote further balance other key features must be manipulated. 

The eyes were enlarged, and the nose thinned. The forehead was also increased, in order to conform to beauty standards. As the key features were manipulated it became evident that the face as a whole did not appear 'beautiful' but rather alien like. As a result of this, it was decided that less drastic approaches should be made to key features. 

The above approach explores the thinning of the face, eye enlargement, lip enlargement and thinning of the nose. All of these did not appear drastic, although the face still felt somewhat over edited and thus the eyes were explored with further. 

Eye manipulation 

It was discovered that the larger the eyes, the more unrealistic the image. As the brand wanted to promote its 'organic' nature, I believe that this is not suitable, and thus more realistic eye sizes were explored.

From completing this the above eye size was decided upon, as the eyes appear bigger but do not appear unnatural.

Blemish Removal 

Blemishes, spots and freckles were removed in order to promote the 'clear' skin in which has been apparent through the research stage. The above image depicts the removal of a freckle from the centre of the face. 

All imperfections were removed using that of the spot removal tool. Although this was apparent, the 'glowing' skin in which was expressed within professional filters was not maintained. 

Eyebrow exploration 

The eyebrows were extensively explored, in order to formulate a more symmetric face. An 'eyebrow guide' was explored in which mimicked the shape of a structured eyebrow, using this, the natural eyebrow was re-shaped. It was decided to keep the natural eyebrows as the filter didn't want to appear overly 'fake'. 

Contour experiment 

As removing the blemishes did not allow for the same 'fresh' faced approach in which was maintained within professional filters, I decided to explore with the 'contouring' effect in which Megan previously suggested.

Natural colours were taken from the skin tone, with lighter colours being used to highlight key areas, and darker colours to sculpt the face and reduce size. Once the block colour was placed upon the designated area, opacity was explored. This was to make the design appear as natural as possible. 

Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening was also explored. As placing a solid white upon the teeth felt un-natural and fake a slightly yellow was explored with. This was explored with using opacity in order to develop a more natural design. 

Eye colour 

Eye colour was further explored. A range of colours in which were expressed within the branding were tested. The red eyes appeared very daughting, and promoting danger. Whereas the deep blue were said to mimic water, and explore a calm, natural approach. As a result of this the blue eyes were selected. 

Final image

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