Friday 16 October 2015

YSP feedback

In todays critec we discussed one anothers Yorkshire Sculpture Park logos. I found this very helpful as I gained a new perspective upon my symbol. It was discussed that the tints within my work may not appear visable when the scale was altered. As this was a factor I had not considered I found it highly insightful, and definetly a factor I will recognise when creating similar work in the future. It was also discussed that the symbol was highly effective from a distance and could be easily associated with Yorkshire Sculpture Park. This was a point that I definetly agreed with as when choosing the colours I decided upon the most visually effective.
When creating a target audience for the park I decided upon a much older target audience whereas other chose to focus primarily on youth. Although I do belive that YSP is targeted at a much older audience, I should also consider my logos effectiveness on the secondary and tertiary audience. Taking from what I have learnt in todays criteria I shall consider a wider target audience and also the scaling of my product within my next project.

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