Saturday 31 October 2015

Initial drawings for typeface

In order to create a typeface that resembles the word 'witty', I began my approach by investigating the word's many meanings. I explored the synonyms and antonyms of my given word and began to consider how I would construct each word as a typeface. Reflecting on these words I then began to draw some initial sketch ideas.

This design idea was created with comparisons to the word playful. The terminals have been rounded in order to give the illusion of play, for example its relationship with objects that contain curvature such as balloons and balls.By losing the sharpness of the text, along with removing the serifs, the type appears more child friendly. Although not expressing details contained within the manifesto, I do feel that this type works well just not in my given context.  

Using Caslon as a basis, I removed the serif to determine whether it contributed to the sharpness of the text. This allowed the straight edges to appear much sharper and prominent. Although this worked well, this typeface would need a lot of construction before it resembled my desired outlook. For example the dot on the 'i' should appear much more pointed.

During the completion of these sketches I wanted to undergo a completely different outlook and to focus on both dark and light humour. I attempted to mimic this throughout the medium of stroke width and shading. I feel that this worked well, but could be developed further to create a more obvious expression.

Although this typeface clearly expresses a sharp nature, it wouldn't be legible in block text due to its uneven structure. Therefore in the following stages I shall attempt to balance the text.

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