Wednesday 21 October 2015

Colour theory- study task 1

Within the set task we were given specific genres in which we must apply a stereotypical and alternative colour to. The first chosen genre was chick lit. We decided on the stereotypical colour of pink, this specifically being due to the colour widely being associated with females, who are the primary audience for this film genre. The alternative colour for this genre was a light blue, we decided upon this colour as historically blue was a colour originally intended for females. 

The second genre we choose was fantacy. We collectively decided on a primary colour of deep blue, as a mysteriousness is associated with this colour. We then decided upon the more sleek colour of teel, we came to this conclusion as in fantasy films such as avatar this colour is predominate alongside the deep blue. 

Western was the third chosen genre. Our inital chosen colour was a light brown, we decided upon this colour as it is highly associated with the wooden saloons, cowboy boots and the desolated landscape featured within western films. The alternative colour for this genre is an yellow/gold we decided upon this colour due to its association to goldmines and also sheriff badges.                                                                            

Our final film genre was horror.  Due to the wide association of blood within these films we chose a deep red colour. Also as horror films have an deep relationship with darkness and nigh time we decided upon a deep grey as an alternative colour. 

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