Friday 23 October 2015

M&S final critec

In a final analysis of the corresponding M&S logos, it was suggested that both logos appeal to the same audience (30-60), this was supported by numerous observations stating that the type style suggested an older audience. It is however important to note that when the logos are depicted alongside one another it is much easier to categorise them simultaneously, rather than exploring individual audiences for each. Therefore despite these criticisms I believe that when displaying the logos within separate parts of a shopping complex, the effect would be much more personal to the intended target audience of each brand. Nonetheless, when generating a similar project within the future I will demonstrate an conscious effort to create a wider divide between products intended for both younger and older audiences.

Secondly, the rebrands impact upon the company values was discussed. Comments surrounding this area were particularly correspondent with the aim of a high quality brand it which I attempted to capture within my design work. However a specific comment suggested that the heavyset typeface deters an element of sophistication away from the brand. In somewhat I can relate to this suggestion, as M&S previously rebranded to a thinner typeface in order to display hierarchy within the food industry. Thus if I were to revisit this logo, I would look explicitly at narrowing the typeface, to allow for an added sense of maturity and sophistication.

In addition to previous discussions the subject of colour was debated. The mean response, was that the new green hue allowed for a fresher, more organic sentiment. Despite this, comments were made that proposed the original green was iconic to the brand and should be fundamentally involved within the design. Although I acknowledge the designers opinion I do not agree with their design suggestion as I feel that the selected green portrays a more natural and sophisticated brand. I also feel that the new green is a much more subtle approach than developing the brands colour scheme completely.

In summary, it is clear that overall the logos coincide with one another, as a result allowing for a brand which resembles that of high quality. Although design alterations were discussed, I overall feel that the contextual nature behind the design embeds the thick typography as part of the key iconography associated with the original logo.Although if I were to redesign the logo I would narrow the typeface to allow for a more elegant approach.

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