Sunday 18 October 2015

Marks and Spencers Logo plan

After the critec I decided to create two individual logos, one for an older audience focusing on an clothing range, and one for a much younger audience which primarily focuses upon food distribution.I have decided to carry on with my inital idea of using the orignal M&S logo to aid my typography. I feel that this would have a stronger impact upon an older audience. My next steps within the design process is to create my own typeface using aspects of the orignal, whilst keeping an modern, fresh type. I will do this by not completly mimicing the harsh edges of the orginal typeface, and I will also arrange my kerning diffrently to the orginal. After this logo has been complete I will then work on a much more modern logo for M&S Food. I will use a difrrent typeface in order to achieve this, but I must remember to incorpirate similar aspects into each logo, for example the colour.

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