Sunday 11 October 2015

Study Task 01-Feedback On Logotype

Within the feedback given we were positively reinforced about our identification of type this included suggesting that Futura was identifiable as art deco. We were instructed that our presentation was clean and clear, and although the presentation was valuable it was discussed that we must be confident in our final product. It was mentioned that the dynamic design worked well for not only the Crosswater logo but also for the sub brands. I was glad that this was mentioned as I personally felt this also worked extremely well. Finally we were advised to include more references towards the target audience and to specifically think about design aspects that would appeal to them.

I found our first feedback session highly influencing. As a designer it is easy to loose concept and focus primarily on design, therefore during following projects I will try to focus more on the target audience, and to also be more confident about my product.

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