Saturday 31 October 2015

Critec for typeface so far

During the critic it was discussed that I should relate my typeface to the word sharp rather than playful, as it is more widely associated to the word witty. It was also mentioned that the initial typeface should be in uppercase, as people who are witty tend to be very confident and bold. I displayed my sketches to the group and we discussed the relevance of some of the drawings. Although the concept of the 'playful' inspired sketch was appreciated, it was thought that they didn't personally link the two words and therefore neither would others. My chosen typeface of Caslon was also reviewed, comments suggested were to manipulate the seifs into sharper points and to also reevaluate the 'dots' on the 'i' and 'j'.

Due to the criticisms gathered in the critec I have decided to go down the route of creating a 'sharp' typeface, in Caslon, I will experiment with altering the serifs, width and structure of the typeface.

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