Friday 16 October 2015

Intermediate Critec for M&S logo

Within the critec it was disccused whether I should divide the M&S brand into two sections which would be targeted at diffrent audiences. These two brands would consist of Marks and Spencers,  a clothing range focused upon an older audience, and also M&S food which would be advertised to much younger audience. I completly agree with this comment as when I viewed the M&S store I found that the clothing appealed much more towards an older generation, whereas the food court was much more modern. I also found this when looking at the packaging design, as the illustated packaging and playful typography suggested a prefrence towards a younger audience. An example of the typography based packaging design is shown to the right.

When displaying my inital ideas to the group I found a varient of comments. Specifically I gained postive comments towards my contexual typography in which mimiced the original M&S typeface. Due to the older generation being able to associate with this type more, as they have had an consistant relationship with the brand over a period of time, I expect that this design conspet would appeal widly towards them.

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