Tuesday 27 October 2015

Agatha Christie- Appointment with death (book cover)

 As I had never read the given Agatha Christie novel my initial point of research was to discover the texts plot in order to give me a wider understanding of the task.

 Using information gained from sourcing the plot I began to sketch some initial imagery that involved components expressed throughout the text, this includes an arabian woman, poison and a syringe.

 I started to develop my initial ideas using C.A.D. focusing primarily on a woman covering her face. When doing this I focused largely on the impact of her eyes, as it is commonly expressed that the eyes are the 'gate to the soul'.

After choosing my strongest illustration, I then manipulated aspects in order to create a more visually pleasing design. I experimented primarily with colour and typography. I wanted to allow for my book cover to appear mysterious and endearing therefore I chose design aspects to demonstrate this, such as a darker base colour for the illustration. I also manipulated the protagonists eye colour to a darker brown allowing for an esoteric feeling towards her.

I wanted the typography to appear strong against the background but not to over power the illustration, as the original renditions of Agatha's books were simplistic.  I experimented with numerous typefaces but felt that a sans serif allowed for a minimal, modern approach.

My final book cover:

Overall, I perceive the bookcover to appear strong in design but feel that it lacks illustration compared to the modern renditions of the Christie books. I also feel that the composition of typography could be arranged in a simpler way to allow the book to clearly represent that of the mystery genre.

After finalising my design I uploaded it to the Guardian, whereby its displayed on the Agatha Christie section.

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