Thursday 8 October 2015

Study Task 01-Development of Logos

Using my initial sketch ideas I began to manipulate my concepts using C.A.D. I designed multiple logos in which I will feedback to the group. When creating these designs I focused primarily on using Vignelli's 6 typefaces.

Logo idea one:
One of my initial concepts was to create a logo in which represented the pipe work of the bathroom, therefore when creating this logo I attempted to join the terminals of the two set letters.  I felt this didn't work well, as the letters then became unclear and the brand identity was lost. This then sent me in the direction of changing the typeface from helvetica to futura. 

After I manipulated the typeface I felt that the ethos of the brand was back. To create a greater relationship between the letters and my concept of pipe work I then created a shadow, which demonstrates the pipe work and flowing water. I felt this interpretation was much more succesful than the previous, but I also believed it was lacking a sense of maturity, something in which the brand prides its self on. This then lead me to manipulate the colour palette.

In order to create a much more reliable looking logo for my brand I decided upon altering the colour to a much deeper blue. I feel that this gave the brand contexuality and allowed it to appear established. This was an juxtaposition with the 'baby blue' colour which appeared to make the brand look new.

Logo two:

With design concept two, I decided to display the full name in an helvetic typeface. I arranged the text within the logo to mimic a tap silhouette. I did this by collecting an image of their special range taps from the crosswater website and then kerning the text in order to mimic its shape.

I then manipulated the colour to suggest the flowing of water within the tap structure, something in which I believe gives the logo an contextual aspect. 

Logo idea three:

With this logo design I again used helvetica. My concept for this design idea was to mimic the opening of an barge within the word Cross. I did this by kerning the letters, to allow for the lineament of the word water to appear as if it is merging through the above letterforms. I chose to do this as the location of Cross Waters is situated after the river Thames. I then began to look at the most iconic influence on the Thames. This being London bridge, which is an barge. 

I then manipulated the colours in order to emphasis my contexual idea.

Logo idea four:
 Within this design concept I attempted to mimic the flowing of water from pipes and taps. I did this by adjoining two letters from separate words, I felt this worked extremly well.
Although I liked my original colour scheme, I decided to alter the colour for a darker blue, this is due to the association of light blue with children and new beginnings, whereas cross waters is an well established company.

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