Tuesday 20 October 2015

Development of M&S Food logo

When considering ways to develop the M&S Food logo, I experimented with layout, kerning and typography. The above idea suggests a high quality brand, although I believe that certain componants, for example the '&' symbol cheapens the product. I have this opinion on the product as the '&' looks imbalanced compaired to the rest of the logo. It also suggests at weak relationship between 'Marks' and 'Spencers'. 

This design is one of my favourites and typically highlights M&S as a sleek, self-assured brand. I especially feel that the use of uppercase letters suggets an element of confidence and strongness within the supermarket industry.
I dont like the layout of this specific design as I feel it appears very immature due to the diagonal aspect. In all I find that the arrangement demeans the typeface, and projects an cheaper brand.

My favourite componant about this idea is the typeface used. It's
bold, sophisticated and could be easily identifiable to the brand as
M&S have promoted a similar typeface previously. I also enjoy
how the 'food' text appears horizontally alongside it.

I experimented with the arrangemnt of type promoting the word food in this instance. I don't overly feel that this works as it overpowers M&S which is the main selling point of the compnay.

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