Tuesday 16 May 2017

Developing a design for the BHF-brand guidelines

As the original typeface was undetectable, type considerations were made. As a result of this multiple typefaces were explored in which maintain similar characteristics as to the original. As a result of this old black sans was selected.

The logo's were researched with the iconic illustration being present. Helvetica has also been used for the logo body copy. 


In order to gain a greater understanding upon the design guidelines for the BHF, reserch was undergone into previous campaigns. Key factors have been highlighted below. 

  • Hierarchy is present amongst type
  • 3 tonal approach
  • iconic red
  • all type is presented in capitals 

  • Body copy is in lowercase and helvetica
  • logo is present 
  • title/subheading is in caps
  • photographic approaches are largely used.

  • Caps for title/subheading
  • logo present 
  • photography
  • more information: web address. 

From completing this exercise I am able to list similarities between the campaigns, this in turn promoting what is evidenaced within my own design. The follwoing list can be seen below.

  • Red and white is used in every design
  • Caps for title/subheading
  • bodycopy is in heletica
  • hierarchy is present within type size
  • the logo is usally present 

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