Wednesday 17 May 2017

Product range


Badges have been developed as they have recently become a highly popular fashion trend, in turn targeting the consumer directly. The badges would be distributed at freshers fairs, as well as key events in which young people attend. Examples of this include the grand national and glastonbury. 

Student ID 

A student ID lanyard was developed in order to promote CHD awareness to members of university. By wearing this lanyard everyday for 3 years, they are likely to engage with the reverse, in turn researching the hashtag. These would be distributed to all large universities within the UK. 


Mugs were developed specifically for that of a freshers pack. As when moving to university little crockery is present, the usage of a free mug would promote the consumer to keep the product. As a result of this they are likely to search the hashtag as they would use the mug on multiple occasions. 

Paper cups 

Disposable cups were also added to the freshers pack, as they would be used in parties. As a result of this multiple people would see the hashtag, in turn promoting them to search for it. 

Shopping Bag

The simple shopping bag designs would be distributed at all BHF stores in order to distribute the brand as widely as possible.

Tote Bag 

A tote bag was derived in order to contain the contents of the freshers pack. This would be used for shopping (as plastic bags are now 5p), as well as carrying books to and from university.


Condom packages were also designed for that of the freshers pack. As condoms are often 'expensive' for students, this free product would definitely be kept. 

Images for social media

When thinking about the imagery in which may be posted upon the social media accounts, it became evident that the hashtag was the key aspect. As a result of this designs were developed in which may be posted to the social media accounts in order to promote the hashtag and the campaign. As the audience are active consumers this is highly relevant as they would seek to understand and interactive with the the hashtag. 

  • slogans in which appeal to young people have been highlighted. 
  • BHF colour scheme 
  • simple yet effective 

2nd poster campaign

When thinking about the way in which posters may be displayed it became apparent in feedback that landscape posters can often not be placed in certain situations, such as poster 'holders' at tube stations, As a result of this a portrait poster was developed to be placed in situations such as these. This poster implements factors relating to the previous poster campaign in a different format. In turn allowing a fresh approach, in which would further engage the audience. 

The poster developed is evidently part of the previous poster range. The same colour palette has been used alongside typography in order to express the brand guidelines. The hashtag has been further implemented in order to promote the social media handle. As this poster largely differs from the landscape variations, it may be suggested that this would engage the audience further as they are not seeing the 'same old design'. 

The poster in situ.(A bus stop has been selected as public transport is a primary transport method for thousands of UK based students).

social distributions of the quiz

As the BHF already has a prominent Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website, it would not be appropriate to re-develop these aspects of the social media and therefore it must be discussed how this campaign is to work alongside these mechanisms. 

As a result of this it would be suggested that designs would be placed upon the social medias rather than the social medias being constructed around the campaign. As a result of this, the quiz would appear apparent upon the social medias and website. In turn promoting platforms in which young people use daily. The 'ads' may also be sponsored in order to promote this campaign to a wider demographic. 

Developing a quiz

When thinking about the ways in which young people will interact with the campaign, it was decided that an interactive mechanism should be put in place in order to promote to young people their chances of having hereditary heart disease. It was decided that this would be formatted in a quiz manner.


Research was conducted into quiz style designs in which promote a yes or no effect.This was researched as this form of design is relevant for that of buzzfeed quizzes that are highly popular amongst young people. The mass text contained within the above quizzes forces them to appear daunting, and unappealing to a young consumer as they would have to read mass text. As the consumer only has a 4 second attention span, this also applies. 

Quiz layouts were explored in order to promote a clean and concise layout. This being essential as previous research depicted designs in which were difficult to navigate. It was decided that the flush left approach would be used, as this design style has been mimicked within the other aspects of the campaign.  

The hashtag was implemented onto the quiz in order to promote it as an important aspect of the campaign.  

Type setting was explored in order to promote balance within the design. This being important as a young audience is aesthetically consumed. 

The campaign slogan and title were altered in order to apply to the campaign design. The 'label' effect also promotes hierarchy within the design.

Hand rendered arrows were implemented into the deisgn although this did not comply to the digital aspects of the campaign and therefore was eliminated. 

A yes or no approach was added in order to promote an easy to navigate design. 


The final design is easy to navigate as negative space is a key influence. The two tone colour scheme has been embeded in order to promote the brand aspects as well as the 'redify' aspect of their brand identity. The hashtag as well as a helpline was added to this design in order to promote further support for a consumer who may be upset by finding out that they have hereditary CHD. This is in order to insure that ethical implications have been covered, as the consumer is suppose to be aware of the possibilities of an illness not made to feel daunted or upset.

Finished GIF

The final gif is clean and clear. The type developed is legible, with the flush left being used in order to implement this further. The BHF typeface was used, as well as the colour scheme in order to implement the brand guidelines within the product. This was also completed in order to keep continuity with the poster set.  

When discussing this outcome with my peers they suggested that that as the penultimate slide changes type setting, this allows the impact of the words to be far more successful. It was also suggested that to push this further the colour scheme could be altered upon this page. As the activities had be altered to age appropriate activities,it was stated that this allowed the design to appear to the directed consumer. 

Developing a GIF

As a short/gif was to developed for the campaign, research was undergone into animated type. This being the key focus as a purely typographical approach should be implemented in order to promote consistency. 

The above videos gave inspiration into how type can be formatted in order to complete videos. It was found that emphasis was brought to typography in which moves and therefore by implementing this within my design, the consumer is far more likely to remember the relevant information. 

Animations in which only made a segment of the type move felt more effective than when individual letters were moving, as this made each letter appear separate to the original word. As the campaign is being developed for the BHF it is also important to consider that the typography within their adverts is very strict and is applied to a clear grid system, and therefore this should be mimicked within my own design. 

Initial storyboards were developed in which showcase different design ideas surrounding how the short will move and interact. The 1st storyboard depicts an animation whereby the slogans used appear on a loop, with normal day to day activities being highlighted,although the final shot will be Keep Alive, this in turn promoting a design in which engages the consumer as they did not previously realise the campaign was surrounding death. The second idea focuses upon the #KEEp being present, with the activity changing. This idea will largely focus upon attributes relating towards a heart attack such as breathing etc. The final shot would be a statistic surrounding how many young people have the gene. 

As I was unsure on how to take these design ideas further feedback was gained from peers. They suggested that the focus upon health related issues within the second storyboard would be less engaging to the consumer, as they are more likely to relate to the previous campaign in which lists activities in which they regularly participate within. Although stating this they stated that as the #KEEP remained the same upon each spread, continuity was made. It was also suggested that this allowed the individual hashtag to be seen as its own hashtag rather than an accessory of the activity. This being an essential factor for that of the social media campaign. It was also stated that the final statistic allowed for the design to be rounded, with a daunting figure at the end of the campaign making the consumer want to visit their local GP. As a result of this the strongest components from each deisgn will be implemented into that of the design in order to promote a clean, clear short. 

Using feedback to aid my design, the above gif was developed. As I had no previous knowledge upon how to do this, tutorials were watched. The topic areas mentioned within the design focus largely upon everyday topic areas. As the activities are very generic and don't apply specifically to young people these must be altered. The timing should also be altered in order to make each slide more impactful, as the fast nature makes some difficult to read. 

The second design alters that of the activities to be more relatable to a younger demographic. Thus further engaging the consumer. Music has been added towards the design in order evoke emotion. The soundtrack within this piece cuts off at the end in order to promote impact towards the final figure. Although this was attempted I am unsure upon whether this is effective. When discussing this with my peers they suggested that this deisgn with no sound would be more appropriate. As a result of this, a further approach was developed.

Mindmap on range

Although a poster campaign has been developed, it is essential that other outcomes are developed in order to promote a campaign. A mindmap was developed in order to list ideas surrounding the other forms of communication.

Video campaign: When thinking about a campaign it is evident that video campaigns usually are a large part of BHF campaigns. Although I do not have the skill set to complete a full animated video, I may explore the usage of gifs in order to promote a medium in which would specifically target young people. 

Social media campaign: A social media campaign would be highly effective as a hashtag has already been implemented into the poster designs. This would therefore allow young people a space in which they communicate about heart disease. 

Quiz: A quiz element may be used in order to promote how likely an individual is to have hereditary CHD. By completing this element it allows for an engaging mechanism whereby the individual is able to quickly and proficiently see if there risk of heart disease is high.

App:An app was outlined as I though this could contain a support network for those with hereditary CHD. When discussing this with my peers they suggested that they are far more likely to interact with the social media campaign and thus this element is not needed. 

How design companies have effectively distributed a brand over multiple platforms

Welcome to Leeds-Rabbit Hole

The welcome to Leeds campaign, was said to be highly strong and impactful. It was distributed over multiple platforms in order to engage a large audience. The basis was that of a poster campaign, with the campaign being further distributed through tote bags, and a user interface.

The British Independant Film Festival-Alphabet

The branding for the The British Independant Film Festival was completely redeveloped by Alphabet. An array of platforms were used to distrubt this material including: publication design, posters, conference backdrops, animations, user interfaces and tickets. The colour scheme is present throughout each aspect of the design in order to promote consistency. 

Goldsmith's university-Only 

Goldsmith's was digitally re-branded over multiple platforms. In order to maintain consistency the same typefaces, images and general tone of voice was maintained throughout. This is essential as it allows the different aspects of the brand to appear as one.

Little Mighty-Split

Both print and digital methods were used to re-brand Little mighty. By doing this a wider audience is targeted, a factor in which allows the brand to be highly recognised. Badges have been used within this branding method as they are easily distributed and keep to make. This may be a factor to consider in my project.

Knight Frank-Spinach Design 

The above campaign was distributed largely on transport. The idea of having the posters displayed on public transport would allow for a younger demographic (who are unable to give) to concentrate fully on the project. This in turn meaning that the project gains more attention.