- click count was outlined as a key factor of consideration, with scrolling being included. Peers suggested that scrolling felt less of an effort than clicking.
- It was also suggested that you should be able to reach each page no matter what page you are on.
- mockups may be devised in order to showcase this.
- content for the homepage was outled, including key texts.
- again the home bar was implemented showcasing a variety of options
- The sections of the website were highlighted with a focus being placed upon the homepage, about page, events/workshops section, jobs, how to section, portfolio surgeries and inspiring female creatives formulated into a daily blog.
- extra tabs were also highlighted in order to promote sub-categories
- It was also highlighted that the tab bar will remain the same on each page, with the logo being implemented centrally.
Above is an example as to how the interface may work, with page interactions being shown. Comments have also been made surrounding key design considerations, some of the most important have been outlined below:
- google/web fonts-cant use all like normal due to coding
- female CEOs as inspiration
- the events lists should not just focus on one city but also rural areas
- upload format for the portfolio surgery
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